Thursday, October 11, 2007

dream recall

i dreamt of kenny rogers' muffins. i ate all six as if i was really eating each and one of them...or it (3 blueberry and 3 chocolate or whatever the flavor of them choco ones). if only the dream could give me the feeling of fullness in my tummy when i woke up. anyway, i realized that i havent been eating like i used to do. i just eat so that my stomach would have something in it, so i wont have ulcer or something. like a minimum requirement. i used to eat until i get the feeling of fullness.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

dream recall

havent posted anything here for almost 2mos. anyway, just woke up. submitted my all-nighter memorial yesterday, so i needed sleep badly. and well, im a bit happy to have had a good dream. well, its not really good but there a was a itsy bitsy portion that was nice.

dont remember it in its entirety. i remember lying in bed with a knife stabbed in my back. and my back hurts right now, were the stab wound is supposed to be. maybe thats why i dreamt i had a knife stabbed in my back. it was because that portion of my back was hurting. anyway, in the dream, it was like i was nearing death because there was this medical equipment of sorts with numbers from 1-100. the lower the number, the nearer i am to dying, the higher the number, well, full health. just like a video game. so there. i eventually recovered but i became really weak, and light in terms of weight. its like i became extremely...umm...delicate. if i jump too hard or just jump high or stomp, i might break my legs or something like that. and when i wear a backpack, i turn turtle if im not mindful of my balance. so in the dream, i was like some geriatric, who walks carefully and slowly, so i would not hurt myself. and i was still in law school. so that really sucked because i need to carry a lot of stuff from time to time and i had to climb a flight of stairs. anyway, then the nice part happened, got a hug that just felt so nice in that dream. i dont know why she hugged me, but it wasnt something she did spontaneously. we talked but i dont remember what we talked about, but it ended with she hugging me and both of us not wanting that hug to end. if not for her friends who were standing nearby waiting for her, i wouldnt have asked her to leave. it just felt so nice and well, real. maybe its the draining paper that i did the day before. since i didnt specify who this girl is, i think ill forget who she is when i read this entry....maybe six months from now. and this would be a pointless because it wouldnt serve the purpose of reminding me of things i want to remember.