Sunday, December 30, 2007

dream recall: teleporter

had an interestingly weird dream this morning.

i was in some kind of cemetery and there was this big contraption of sorts. i was told it was a teleporter or teleporting machine of some sort. that explained why a hand keeps appearing from tha machine holding some furniture like things. they were teleporting things from one place to another. so there must be a person in some other place, taking the things inside one machine to be teleported to another. like a 2 way portal or something. anyway, my reaction was "thats incredible. someone finally invented a machine that teleports stuff". the guy i was talking to replied it was a top secret machine and what i was watching is a test run. and no one would ever imagine that such a machine was finally made in this country.

then the next thing i know, i was back in highschool. sort of. the people around me were highschool batchmates but we were in UP as if it was our campus. the "teleporter" machine was there too. i pretended that i knew nothing of the future because the people acted as if being highschool students was the present time, like talking which college to apply with. and i was very aware that im already in law school. i was much into pretending that im just a highschool student that when a law school blockmate showed up, i pretended i dont recognize her and even asked her how she knew me. thats all. just a weird dream. i havent had interesting dreams for weeks.