again, back in highschool, i used to wear rings. one of them was a skull ring similar to what Captain Teague had (Keith Richard's character in Pirates of the Carribean: At World's End). the other was a dragon ring. unfortunately, i lost them and i blame my AP teacher for that. he saw me wearing it and he told me not to wear it in school. why? he said those were the kinds of rings that gangsters and fratmen wear. if i kept wearing that, i might be mistaken as a member. what the? the school was filled with fratmen, and im the only one with those kinds of rings (and im not a member of course). what the hell is he talking about? besides, those rings were given to me by my own mother, for my birthday! it was a fact back then that i have this infatuation for skulls (which my mother didnt seem to mind. i have a skull paperweight, the very first desktop wallpaper i had for my PC was a skull, i drew skulls on my notebooks, point is i like anything that had skulls on it, if not skull figurines or something similar, i still appreciate it now, i still have a handkerchief with skull print. and when i say skull, i mean human skull).
anyway, i miss my skull ring (i think i lost in on a tricycle, since my AP teacher forbid me to wear it, i kept it in my pocket, right pocket to be specific and when i ride the tricycle, sometimes the contents fall out, so i think that's where i lost it and i was really pissed when i got home to find out that my rings werent in my pocket anymore). ive been looking for something like the one i lost and well, it seems that skull rings like that wasnt that common (or im just not looking hard enough or im looking on the wrong places). i think stone cold steve austin also has a skull ring but im not sure if its the same as the one keith richards wear.
the skull ring that i used to wear looks like the pic below, 90% similar, mine had smaller forehead and rounder eye sockets.
A skull ring you say???
look no futher....
Thanks for writing this.
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