Sunday, September 14, 2008

im a sexy baby

Your result for What's Your Style? A Choose Your Own Adventure Quiz!...

Sexy Baby

61% Sweet, 43% Susceptible, 57% Self-Sufficient, 73% Self-Assured, 26% Sleazy, 50% Sexy, 60% Stable, 71% Spontaneous and 49% Shy!

You're to-the-point.  And by point, I mean SEX.  SEX SEX SEX.  You've got some moves on you, for sure, but perhaps you should enjoy the ride a bit more instead of trying to steer it... towards sex. 

Well, at least you're getting laid. You are, aren't you?  You're so sexy.

Take What's Your Style? A Choose Your Own Adventure Quiz! at HelloQuizzy

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